KPRF Law Office provides its Corporate and Individual Clients with comprehensive legal representation by means of representing natural persons and legal entities before District and Regional Courts, Courts of Appeal, Supreme Court, Voivodship Administrative Courts and Supreme Administrative Court.
Our teams’ support includes not only legal representation during court proceedings, but as well far-reaching prior analysis of potential crisis and long-range court strategy. Furthermore, our team defend best interest of our Clients during compulsory stage of the proceedings (execution proceedings).
Comprehensive legal representation, covers the following litigations:
1. Receivable and cross-border receivable recovery;
2. Cases concerning actions for payment;
3. Cases concerning enforcing securities (suretyships, guarantees, banking guarantees, security deposits etc.);
4. Cases concerning Labour Law, with particular consideration given to employers’ best interest (infringement of the non-competition clauses and employees acting to the detriment of the company);
5. Cases concerning revoking or pronouncing invalid resolutions adopted by the corporate bodies;
6. Cases concerning fulfilment of the Agreement in whole and performance of the individual Agreements’ provisions (Construction Works Agreement, Commercial Agreement, Specific Work Agreement etc.);
7. Cases concerning Members of the Company’s Board of Directors liability;
8. Cases concerning protection of personal interests and image;
9. Cases concerning protection and infringement of Intellectual Property (IP), Copyrights and Trademarks;
10.Cases concerning pursuit of contractual penalties.