KPRF Law Office provides legal services in relation to the business criminal law, fusing counselling on prevention and detection of misdeeds inside commercial enterprises with in-depth evaluation of hypothetical (assumptive) threats, rooting in criminal law. We pride ourselves in guiding and representing our Clients throughout criminal, penal-fiscal and white collar crimes proceedings at any stage and Court of any instance, including punishment phase of criminal lawsuit, where KPRF energetically aims to persuade the judge to defer and issue a stay in regard to the immediate custodial sentences. Having in mind how decisive and critical, for the following court proceeding, preparatory proceedings may be, our Clients’ interests are soundly guarded from the very first second of the preparatory proceedings. Our team is at Your service, ready to act instantly, should the need arise.
KPRF’s criminal experience offers precisely:
1. Legal counselling and representation, in court and out of court, for Entrepreneurs in cases relating to offences against economic circulation;
2. Cases regarding liability under criminal law, stemming from acts of unfair competition, forgery, attesting to an untruth and/or infringement of industrial property rights;
3. Legal defence of suspects and/or accused of economic and corrupt practices offences (crimes) at any stage of the proceedings (preparatory, court and compulsory (punishment) proceedings);
4. Legal counselling relating to money loundering, tax optimisation and misappropriation of funds;
5. Legal representation of Clients being members of corporate bodies, in cases related to personal criminal liability for the Company’s activities;
6. Criminal audit of potentially detrimental for Company’s interests activities, conducted by the Company’s managing officers;
7. Legal defence during preparatory and court proceedings for those of our Clients, who have been subject of an Intellectual Property crime (white collar crimes);